Thursday, May 2, 2013

Happy May

Adults aren't kidding when they say time starts to fly by as you get older. It seems like just last week I was  in Gatlinburg celebrating New Years! April went by in the blink of an eye.  But due to all the stress I was under to finish school, I ended up being thankful that each day seemed to pass so quickly.  Now that schools slowing to a close I resent that feeling.  I want to enjoy every possible moment of this short little life and soak in every bit of beauty.  I want to strive to be someone that doesn't take time for granted. As I look forward at this brand new month on the horizon, I want to live life to the fullest and noted a few ways I hope to do that:

  • Be curious, not judgmental.
  • Be a person that makes others feel special.
  • Realize there is always, always something to be thankful for.
  • And most importantly, Stop And Smell The Roses!

I know May is going to be filled with so much change and excitement as I truly starting entering into this new phase of life and I plan to make myself present and thankful in each one of those moments! Be encouraged for the month ahead and find something in each day that you love!

And end with this, "There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind." -C.S. Lewis

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