Saturday, July 20, 2013

Rode the Beltline

This week was such a treat! My bosses gifted Zac & I with some really nice bikes and this morning we took them for a test drive!  Atlanta is in the process of building 'The BeltLine.'  It's a giant revitalization project intended to bring the city together and improve it from a grassroots perspective.  Basically, its a trail that will eventually go in a huge loop around the entire city.  It was my first time on the BeltLine and it was total perfection! I can't describe in words how inspiring it was to see the city in a completely new way.  Being able to experience so many people coming together from all over to enjoy the city was amazing.

Zac was so sweet to let me stop and take a couple photos along the way. We rode all over the city and got to see so many neat things but our final destination was Piedmont Park!  I've only ever been there for huge events so it was really refreshing to see it all natural.  

Lastly is this beautiful gem.  This street art is less than a minute from our apartment complex on a back street and every single time I drive by it I've been tempted to stop but never have. So, what better time then on a bike! This is my absolute favorite art in the city and I was thrilled to finally get to see it up close!  

I plan to have a series coming soon that will feature Atlanta and all my favorite little aspects of it, many coming from my BeltLine adventures I'm sure!  The whole experience literally couldn't have been more perfect & I can't wait til the next time we get to go out and do some more exploring!

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