Friday, April 26, 2013

Our First Place

About a month ago, Zac asked me “If you could live anywhere in the city, where would be your dream spot?”  Without hesitation my answer was the FULTON COTTON MILL LOFTS.
And with that we have some extremely exciting news. We just found out yesterday that we got approved for an apartment there!! I’ve been bursting at the seams for the past week while I waited to hear back from the leasing office and now that I have confirmation I just can’t contain my excitement!  Yesterday we were able to go over and view the exact apartment layout that ours will be so that I can start formulating plans! We’ve already been talking through so many potential ideas that we have for the space and I just wanted to share with ya’ll a few of the photos as well!
cement pillar entryway lofts     The adorable kitchen!
Another fun fact that my grandmother shared with us earlier this week is that my great-grandparents (her parents) were both employees of the cotton mill back when it was in use and that is where they met!  How sweet is that! We decided it was definitely meant to be after she told us that story!
window wall, loft, natural sunlight
I LOVE natural light so my favorite aspect of the loft is the windows in the living room/kitchen space that stretch the entire length of the wall! (Photo cred to the lovely Shelby)
Hope you enjoyed the glimpse! I am so looking forward to being able to play with this space and transform it into our first home! What kind of things would you do in a space like this?

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