Friday, April 26, 2013

A New Venture

Welp.. Here it goes.  MY FIRST BLOG POST.  I’ve been wanting to start my own blog for several months now but couldn’t build up the courage. Or better yet the inspiration.
Now, I have it!  These past few weeks have been filled with an overwhelming sense of freedom and inspiration for me.  So from that I have built up enough bravery to start this new venture!
Seeing that this is my first post.. Wanted to give a little ABOUT ME & BACKGROUND on my blogs name.
I’m Meg Gleason. Soon to be Meg Brooks :) Yep, I’m engaged and getting married in June!! I love to create, hope to inspire, & long to be inspired.
Since I am on the path to being a newlywed, I am facing lots of changes and decisions I’ve never had to deal with before.  This was my main reason for starting the blog now. It will give me a place to share the do’s and dont’s along the way and also share some DIY’s and decor projects that I take on in preparation for moving into our first place!
Leading me to.. the reason I chose the name THIS DARLING ADVENTURE.  I’m a little obsessive when it comes to words sometimes.  I like to look up the true meanings of things in the dictionary. So… that’s what I did. Darling has always been a word I thought was underused.  It seems like such a word of endearment to me.
The dictionary said that darling meant…
dearly loved; favorite; very pleasing; charming.
And adventure means…
an exciting or very unusual experience; participation in exciting undertakings.
And since many of these posts will be geared toward me starting my life with my fiance, Zac, I thought both of these words, DARLING & ADVENTURE, described perfectly the way I anticipate our lives coming together as one!
Hope you enjoy! Would love to hear your feedback!

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